Fasting - Reseting the body

               Today there is a major media attention on fasting, intermittent fasting, water fasting, juice fast, and other herbal remedies of fasting either focused on Ayurveda or western natural medicine. Fasting is an incredible method of resetting the body, mind and internal organs, but it must be done safely. It is important to set the specific duration of time that the fast will last, what foods and liquids to consume before, during and after the fast and the amount, type and duration of exercise. 

When done in guidance of a professional fasting can supercharge the body, increasing the metabolism, or the Agni as mentioned in the ayurvedic traditional indian system of medicine. Physical strength, stamina and endurance will be tremendously enhanced because the body is no longer being weighed down by unprocessed food, emotions, thoughts and impulses. This is a significant concept to understand, the by product of indigestion is storage, and this storage is what creates imbalances and illnesses. 

Fasting can be done 1 day a week for the rest of your life, 3 a week for 1 month, or a 20-31 day cleanse. The body will adapt, grow and evolve in incredible ways.

Baldeep Pooni