Bodyweight Training

Fortunately today Bodyweight Training is surfacing into the public and a certain level of inquiry and attention is being drawn to it. Which is great! However in most commercial gyms bodyweight training is often rejected or secondary priority to external modes and modalities of training like machine based exercises and weightlifting. Very few take a serious approach to bodyweight training and thus never understand the critical importance of mastering the body.

Regardless of whether you are new or experienced in physical movement and exercise, bodyweight training unlocks numerous potentials for all. Bodyweight training is defined as a system of exercises that focus on working the muscles, heart & connective tissue with movements using only one's bodyweight. The benefit of this method of training is that you build a deep level of kinesthetic awareness that allows you to progress safely and effectively into intense exercises and movements. Kinesthetic awareness is a unique abilities that humans have, this is the ability to visualize and feel the body on the external and internal without seeing it. A mirrorless vision of the internal and external dimensions of the body. Now a days gyms and exercise studios are filled with mirrors, televisions and screens, how are you supposed to connect to your body when there is so much external distraction? Not only that, gyms emphasize and advertise the usage of machines for exercise and movement instead of using the body that we all have.

This article isn't written to discredit the machine based exercises, they have there place and role; this article is here to highlight that bodyweight training should be the first form of movement and exercise, not a machine. When you decide to do bodyweight movements like squats, push ups, planks, pull ups, lunges, step ups, jumping and leaping movements, you end up developing a great foundation of technique and mental and physical priming which generates more strength, power, agility, conditioning and endurance. This leads to greater results when you use machines because you are already aware of your body. 

If you look at great athletes the common theme they share is that they all had an intuitive awareness and connection to their own body. Before the started engaging on different forms of training, they possessed a kinesthetic connection to their bodies, minds and spirits that enabled them to have the abilities they did. This is the type of foundation that bodyweight training creates.

If you don't understand this, you can look at the different branches of the military, they all use bodyweight training first and foremost. These group of individuals handle such difficult physical situations with a variety of different equipment and machines, but before they get this responsibility, they are made to develop a level of competency in bodyweight training. 


Regardless if you are a beginner, novice or experienced practitioner of movement and exercise, Bodyweight training will offer you something transformational.

Try it!

Baldeep Pooni