Outdoor Training

If you haven't worked out outside then go do it now! Its an incredible experience, reminiscing perhaps to moments spend as a child and youth. Regardless of the weather, sunny or snowy, working outdoors will strengthen your immune system by providing you with fresh oxygen, Vitamin D and overall sense of connection and release.

If you are dealing with stress, try taking a walk or run around the neighborhood or park, it is gurranteed to initiate a process that will let you understand and discard of the unprocessed emotions, thoughts and feelings that are creating your stress. This experience of being outdoor regularly will help you listen to your body and make sound decisions and actions that will guide you to stay stress free. Stress is simply your body communicating to you that it doesn't like a certain mental or physical situation. The same way your nerves communicate that you have done something harmful to the body, stress is the storage of energy that is due to not listening to the message the body is trying to communicate to you. This message doesn't come through words or thoughts, it comes through silence, conscious silence. 

Begin to tune in to the reality inside of you by surrounding yourself around nature, it will launch a powerful process of change and well being!

This is only the surface of what the Ancient systems of Yoga & Ayurveda can offer you!

Baldeep Pooni