Muscle Activation

Muscle activation is the ability to activate your muscle during movements or exercises. Most people do numerous repetitions and sets without ever being aware that they could be getting 100% more progress if they simply knew how to activate their muscles.

How do you activate your muscle fibers? Its simple, visualize and feel the areas of your body before you begin working out. Conduct a bodyscan from head to toe, contract or squeeze every muscle you have for a specific amount of time, and then relax it for a specific amount of time. As you begin to do this more regularly, it will become a part of your subsconscious routine, it will be made into a habit that your CNS or The Central Nervous System will carry out on its own. As this begins to happen you will perform exercises that you had done before with more control and awareness, thus leading to more progress and results.

If you are not achieving results then your method of training is ineffective and it is time to reassess how to enhance your effort and training.

It is best to reach out to a professional that not only understands this concept but also practices it on a daily basis. 

Baldeep Pooni